Monday, April 16, 2012

Invisible Man

I feel that the character in the reading "Invisible Man" found the success that he needed to find.  But in the back of his mind was unsure if he went about finding the success he searched for in the best way possible.

Relating to a time when I felt successful would have to be when I graduated from Miami University with my Bachelor's in History.  Even though I knew this was a great success I knew eventually I would have to go to graduate school to actually make my degree worth while.  I had a four year degree that I couldn't do much with, it would take having to pursue my master's in education to accomplish what I really wanted "to do when I grow up".

I think many of us have had a time when we feel invisible.  I sometimes feel invisible when I'm alone in a new or unfamiliar place.  For instance, when starting a new school I have found myself looking around and noticing everyone seems to know someone but me. At first I feel like the loneliest person alive and lost but eventually I get into the groove of things meet people and find my place.  What once was new and unknown becomes second nature therefore I don't feel invisible anymore.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Gertrude Stein "Tender Buttons"

The poem "Tender Buttons" consist of no particular characters only objects.  I have learned that during the time Stein wrote this poem, American women were fighting for change and equal rights.  This was also around the era of cubist influenced painters; which seem to impact the thoughts of Stein and her writing of "Tender Buttons".  I feel Stein was proud of the way women were evolving and through her work she wanted to express female awareness focusing little on the presence of male involvement.  The objects being presented in the poem seem to be described in a feminine manor eliminating masculinity. I will be honest and say that I have a hard time understanding this poem and exactly what Stein is explaining through her play on words but I do find it very interesting and mysterious.  Talking about the "Carafe" in class started to make more sense to me by hearing other students thoughts. I was more able to draw a visual picture in my head about what Stein may have meant.  The students that shared their ideas were very creative making it easier to understand, rather than interpreting it on my own.  I would recommend this to others to read because it is such a unique piece of literature.